
These pages give estimates of period life expectancy by quinquennial period from 1806-10 to 1901-05, by département and for the whole of France, along with the associated life tables and tables of net migration by age. All these tables are based on a reconstruction of the French population, the results of which were published in the book entitled Transformation of the French demographic landscape 1806 - 1906, 1997, Oxford: Clarendon Press. The book includes fertility index tables, along with an explanation of the method used and an analysis of results. The text in the download box gives a brief presentation of the method. The calculation of probabilities of dying within a calendar period has been modified since the book was published and the tables presented take account of this improvement. The computer program used to make this adjustment is also given.

Click in "Downloads" to find the following data:

  • Life tables by département, 1806-10 to 1901-05
  • Life expectancy at birth by département, 1806-10 to 1901-05
  • Net migration rates by age group, département and period